DIY Bird Feeders

Banish boredom with these fun ideas for bird feeders made out of recycled and household items. Bird feeders are a great craft project to make with kids of all ages any time of year—and they provide entertainment for everyone in the family as you watch the birds flock to your yard. Some of the steps…

Breathe easy in your air-tight home

The case for whole-house ventilation By Tim King Across the United States, building codes are (slowly) changing to encourage the construction of tighter homes. That is, homes that incorporate new materials, designs and construction techniques that drastically limit the amount of naturally occurring airflow between indoor living areas and outdoors. The rationale? Reducing the amount…

Wool: rethinking a simple, natural fiber

By Lynn Ascrizzi If you’re looking for more eco-friendly ways to reduce your use of chemically laden plastics and synthetics in your home—think wool. Today, the renewable virtues of wool’s natural fibers are gaining new devotees among people alarmed by scientific studies that show how plastic-based fibers contaminate our environment. For instance, synthetic fleece jackets…

Warming up to window inserts

By Laura Seaton Have you ever sat by your windows in January and felt the heat being pulled from your body? Do cold drafts chill your home? Windows are a major source of heat loss—especially the antique, single-pane windows found in Maine’s historic homes. But cold windows are not limited to older homes—even newer, double-paned…