Debunking home energy myths

Whether you’re a renter or homeowner, you can make eco-friendly changes to your living spaces without breaking the bank or waiting for a landlord to take action. Plus, there are lots of simple, effective ways to conserve energy that don’t involve years of saving up for state-of-the-art solar panel installation. These tips can get you…

Recent “Fiscal Cliff Deal” Includes Incentives for Home Energy Efficiency

The recent “Fiscal Cliff” agreement included a “non-business energy property tax credit,” that offers homeowners up to a $500 credit for residential efforts for energy efficiency.  In essence, this is a renewal of the energy efficiency tax credits for homeowners that were in place in 2011. The American Taxpayer Relief Act extended the tax credit through…

Recycling cell phones, computers and batteries

Electronic waste (“e-waste”) is the fastest growing waste stream in the United States. Brought on by the production of cheaper electronics, rapidly advancing technology, and the emergence of popular electronic gadgets, the consumption of electronics is dramatically increasing, while the lifespan of electronics is becoming relatively short. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency estimates that the…

How can I afford solar?

How can I afford solar (or any other efficiency upgrade, for that matter)? The real question — can you afford not to? Prices for solar electric systems (PV) have dropped 50% in the past five years and the low prices, combined with the availability of state and federal incentives, make it a great time to…

Modular homes go greener

By Lynne Ascrizzi About 5% of new homes built in this country are modular, according to the 2010 U.S. Census. However, the market share in Maine is much higher than the national average, as it is in other states with colder weather climates, according to the Modular Home Builders Association of Maine. Today, the modular…