There’s nothing like the sun to dry your clean laundry! The sun and breeze on a spring or summer day can dry your clothes in about the same amount of time as an electric dryer can—and it costs you nothing while using the earth’s only limitless source of energy. The heat and friction caused by your dryer are also hard on fabrics, causing them to break down quickly.
So give your wallet, the earth, and your clothes a break! Here are some helpful tips for solar- and air-dried laundry:
- Use clothes pins outside to keep the wind from making off with your socks. All clothes will last (and look new!) longer when solar- and air-dried, but delicate clothing, items with elastic, and synthetic blends will especially benefit.
- The sun acts as a bleaching agent, so dry your whites in direct sunlight and your bright colors in the shade or indoors.
- In the winter, hang your clothes on a rack in a sunny room. As your clothes dry, the moisture will humidify that dry winter indoor air.