Fall is the perfect time to get a jump start on a green lawn in the spring. Here are a few easy steps from the Cumberland County Soil and Water Conservation District’s YardScaping Program, which aims to help Mainers improve soil health, reduce the use of lawn care products, and grow a beautiful lawn with little or no additives.
Step 1: Do a Soil Test
Fall is the best time to fertilize your lawn, but it is not always necessary. Avoid wasting money on excess fertilizer by doing a soil test. Fall is also the perfect time to add lime to your lawn, and a soil test will tell you exactly how much is needed. Request a soil test kit from the University of Maine Cooperative Extension or your local Soil and Water Conservation District.
Step 2: Aerate
Help grass roots thrive by loosening the soil to allow air, water and nutrients to reach the roots more easily. Core aerators are easy to use and affordable to rent, especially if you split the cost with a neighbor.
Step 3: Add Compost
Raking a thin layer of compost into your lawn will help make your soil and grass healthier. Many local compost sources are organic and contain shellfish, which is great for lawns.
Step 4: Overseed
Spread new grass seed over your existing lawn to rejuvenate your grass and have a thicker lawn next year. money in the future. Visit the YardScaping website at www.cumberlandswcd.org/yardscape for more information and to find a list of partner stores.